Richard Lucas

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The 3rd Wintrepreneurs London Google Campus Meeting

by Richard Lucas


This was the 3rd Wintrepreneurs meeting we’ve held, and the first on the 3rd floor, the first documented meeting, and the first with a guest speaker -  Angel Investor of the Year - Peter Cowley. Many thanks to Laura Jenkins and the Google team for providing the venue. The format of our meetings continues to be work in progress.

We will keep the meeting open to all positive minded comers, and to have the main value based on input from participants, as per Open Coffee Krakow values.

We certainly want to encourage the support of (legal) entrepreneurial activity at the school.

If someone wants to take a lead on helping organise the next meeting probably mid December - Christmas meetup - get in touch with me and/or Ed.  There are always things to do:

Volunteers for posters, welcoming, tidying up, writing blog posts, photos, managing events. If someone wants to help with our webpage  we will be grateful. We want to keep the events low cost  “near free” so we are not in hock to boring sponsors who drone on and on….    With an all volunteer team -  and no one charging expenses, the cost of drinks etc was about GBP80 and we got GBP47 from the collection. Sponsors are welcome of course and will be thanked.

You can join our Facebook group here  our Linkedin Group here and sign up on our web page too.

Here is the summary of who said what -  (errors and omissions expected)

Ed Neale sold his delicious and great value  Barigaldi pasta and asked for input into his Brazilian garment venture - and co hosted the event, managed the clean up afterwards.

Adam Martin talked about his revolutionary 3 D printed tubes and marbles “Everyone can code” initiative for teaching programming in UK Schools which have a requirement but not the means do do so. There is a legal requirement in all UK schools to teach coding and his 3D printed kits are a new approach to making it happen

Adam Martin - of Everyone can Code.

Don Allen talked about his TV production business idea Which I like TV only better QuakQuak - it's just like TV. But better.

Andrew Atter  Managing Partner, Executive Dialogue Ltd Founder of Pivomo, a provider online mentoring tools for entrepreneurs.

Patrick Schneider Sikorsky is doing corporate due dilllgience services and looking for opportunities

Chris Wacławec talked about Estimote –a world leading iBeacon company that has investment from Eric Schmidt (as well as me:-) Maybe we can do an event with Estimote?

Alex Powell talks about  the Sportshero App a fantasy sports betting platform without involving money.

Tom Davenport talked about his recruitment platform

Pawel Jaworski   is looking to develop an App for scientific conferences

Bill Orme  co-founder & principal of V1rtue, helping stop #fails since 2014. We Keep Social Media #Social. Virtue mitigates the risks of accidental or inappropriate uses of social media for Corporates, parents and college graduates looking for am advantage in the labour market

Chris Wheatcroft Tech Club Manager at Angels Den  is putting on an OW Entrepreneurs Guild pitching event at The Oak on Monday 26th January at 6:30pm  in a similar format to the event at Fruit Towers (Innocent HQ) last year.  There will be four companies pitching for investment or contacts and an opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs and investors. If you know OW entrepreneurs who would like to pitch please let him  know.

Carl Heimdal   - - baby e-commerce

Richard Valtr - Mews Systems - Hotel Software and Hotel guide app

Richard Lucas talked about the TEDxKazimierz event he will be organising next year. on the look out for inspiring  people projects or ideas of relevance to this historic area of Kraków

Peter Cowley angel investor of the year gave a keynote talk.