What does the startup community need from Campus Warsaw? 15 Actions recommended

1. Support, attend and partner with regular monthly or more frequent monthly events and meetups across Poland (not just Warsaw) - with satellite events/monthly meetup like Open Coffee Krakow OpenCoffeeKRK (that used to take place in Google For Entrepreneurs Krakow ) and events Hive KrakSpot Startup Stage and those posted on #OMGKRK - Kraków's startup community and Crossweb - wszystkie Barcampy, spotkania i konferencje

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Go Warsaw : Reaktor is four years old today

When Google for Entrepreneurs announced that it was leaving Kraków and opening its Campus in Warsaw many people in Kraków Startup Commmnity were a bit disappointed. However, it is better that Google Campus in in Poland than elsewhere, and as Dawid Ostrowski of Google Developers Relations pointed out Krakow has a lot of lessons to share in terms of building a dynamic startup community.

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"You’re just too good to be true"  in praise of TEDx and TED.com

So it’s early Sunday morning and TEDxKraków came to a close yesterday. Not everyone knows about TED and TEDx. A very successful businessman and friend called John told me just last week - "I really must look into this TEDx thing". Here is a short introduction about TED and TEDx by Chris Anderson.

For my friend John maybe the TED journey lies ahead (He gave a talk at TEDxKazimierz in 2017).

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TED/TEDxRichard Lucas
Innovation and investment processes in a 100 person IT company

At SKK - the company I founded and have returned to run in the last few months, - I've been thinking and researching our innovation processes. When I studied economics in the 1980s at Cambridge (UK), we learned how Karl Marx argued that the four drivers of the capitalist system were competition, capital mobility, the profit motive and technological progress. Marx was wrong about many things, and the dreadful impact of his ideas on world history is hard to overstate, but his insights about the importance of technological change to business are important. Businesses that do not innovate effectively will die.

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40 great business to business sales questions

Gary Vaynerchuk said the other day that Linkedin is getting really big. I read elsewhere that top 10 lists work really well. So I thought I'd try writing a "top 20 sales questions" list and see how it worked. As my experience is selling to business - not consumers - it turned into a B2B list, and 20 questions was not enough. So you get 40 for the price of 20 (free). I wonder how the traffic will develop. It's on Slideshare here

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The birth of a podcast - Project Kazimierz

I've been telling friends about the power of podcasting for many months. I grew up in a household in Oxford England with no TV, but where the BBC radio was always on. The money I earned as a 9-10 year old went on a radio which cost GBP20 in 1976, about GBP100 in today's devalued pounds.The great thing about radio compared to TV/film is that the pictures are so much better.

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The "Ask Richard Lucas" show.. how to find a mentor & announcing Bartek Józefowski as Start Up communities representative

Thanks to Kamil from Colab for giving me this idea My blog is not yet the Ask Gary Vee show -- but who knows what the future holds. "You ask questions, I answer them- it's the ask "Richard Lucas" show. If you haven't watched an episode of Gary Vee then this may not make sense. GaryV has built two $50 mln revenue plus business through sheer hard work and energy... take him seriously.

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Paweł Tkaczyk Interview

If you don't know who Pawe Tkaczyk is, then read this The depth of thought and knowledge is remarkable. For anyone who wonders what it takes to do well in life, it is impressive that it took Pawe less than 5 hours to send me his answers. I'm really impressed. read on....

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